SMP: Express yourself with the missing piece of the puzzle (Wear your heart on your sleeve)
Our Big Ideas:
1. Foundation for a better 'fit
Through our research we've noticed that UNIQLO primarily sells basic clothing styles - when put together, it creates a unique outfit (or 'fit). The wide variety of clothing that UNIQLO offers is the starting point for their stylish ambitions. Focuses on options, starting an outfit, evolving from simple styles to something greater. Executions are:
Evolution starts here (included in ppt): Simply enough, styles are created by you at UNIQLO. We've come so far already, you get to choose where we go from here. Media agnostic - could be used as print ad, online banner, bus/subway/street art
Facebook application: We're creating a facebook app which allows shoppers to use a virtual mannequin to piece together their perfect outfit. We're using a "clothes pyramid" (like the food pyramid) which will help shoppers customize their outfit with shoes & accessories along with the "foundations": pants, shirts, etc.
2. Be YOUnique
This idea promotes individuality in fashion. An outfit is the ultimate form of expression - we are what we wear. Plus, it's not always what you wear. It's how you wear your clothes. This idea focuses on: "wearing your heart on your sleeve", freedom of expression, the consumer's right to build their own style & wardrobe. Executions are:
Personality in the absolute (included in ppt): Taken from UNIQLO's phrase "clothing in the absolute" - an abstract take on individuality. "In the absolute" means perfect in quality or nature, completeness. UNIQLO has everything you need to complete the puzzle. We envision the UNIQLO shopper as the lone oreo among a bowl of chocolate chip cookies - the one who stands out in a crowd because their style is not limited by restrictions or exceptions. (another definition)
The perfect mismatch (included in ppt): Your clothing is who you are - not everything has to match & nothing has to be "right" by anyone else's standards. UNIQLO provides all the options you need to express your innermost thoughts & feelings. Media agnostic - could be print, online, street art, etc.
We've got the pieces, you put it together: An execution expressing the consumer's freedom to be their own stylist. Print ad.
Our Big Ideas:
1. Foundation for a better 'fit
Through our research we've noticed that UNIQLO primarily sells basic clothing styles - when put together, it creates a unique outfit (or 'fit). The wide variety of clothing that UNIQLO offers is the starting point for their stylish ambitions. Focuses on options, starting an outfit, evolving from simple styles to something greater. Executions are:
Evolution starts here (included in ppt): Simply enough, styles are created by you at UNIQLO. We've come so far already, you get to choose where we go from here. Media agnostic - could be used as print ad, online banner, bus/subway/street art
Facebook application: We're creating a facebook app which allows shoppers to use a virtual mannequin to piece together their perfect outfit. We're using a "clothes pyramid" (like the food pyramid) which will help shoppers customize their outfit with shoes & accessories along with the "foundations": pants, shirts, etc.
2. Be YOUnique
This idea promotes individuality in fashion. An outfit is the ultimate form of expression - we are what we wear. Plus, it's not always what you wear. It's how you wear your clothes. This idea focuses on: "wearing your heart on your sleeve", freedom of expression, the consumer's right to build their own style & wardrobe. Executions are:
Personality in the absolute (included in ppt): Taken from UNIQLO's phrase "clothing in the absolute" - an abstract take on individuality. "In the absolute" means perfect in quality or nature, completeness. UNIQLO has everything you need to complete the puzzle. We envision the UNIQLO shopper as the lone oreo among a bowl of chocolate chip cookies - the one who stands out in a crowd because their style is not limited by restrictions or exceptions. (another definition)
The perfect mismatch (included in ppt): Your clothing is who you are - not everything has to match & nothing has to be "right" by anyone else's standards. UNIQLO provides all the options you need to express your innermost thoughts & feelings. Media agnostic - could be print, online, street art, etc.
We've got the pieces, you put it together: An execution expressing the consumer's freedom to be their own stylist. Print ad.
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