Sunday, December 2, 2012

Maybe it's Maybelline

The Colossal Cat Eyes, Volum' Express Mega Plush, Great Lash, Falsies

This post will be dedicated to one of the most necessary make products out there: mascara.  What better product to talk about than the constant-running commercials of Maybelline.  Every girl in one point of there life has purchased Maybelline mascara.  I bet if you are reading this post right now, you have anywhere between 2-4 (used or unused) Maybelline mascaras in your sparkly make-up bag.  But what is it about mascara that women automatically think of choosing Maybelline?  What is it about their advertising/product/brand reputation that still has every girl getting in their Toyota to drive to the nearest CVS just to purchase a new tube of this black, liquid eye-transformer?

MASCARALove big, bold, dramatic lashes? Or do you prefer a more natural yet noticeable look?  Maybelline New York’s superior brush technology and innovative formulas let you create whatever lash look you set your eyes on. Choose lengthening or volumizing formulas; incredible curl or amazing definition. Maybelline makes it happen.

Everyone has seen a Maybelline mascara commercial at some point in their life - and I am guessing you just watched one about an hour ago.  This company uses the same structure, production, and campaign idea for EVERY mascara they launch.  For example, the new Cat Eyes mascara commercial has recently been launched on TV.  Besides having a different model and an appearance of a tiger... I see no difference in the execution of every single Maybelline commercial.  But maybe that's exactly what they are going for.

When thinking about it more, I guess keeping the same structure of all mascara commercials for Maybelline can be beneficial for the company.  It doesn't matter which mascara is being advertised, all that matters is I KNOW that is Maybelline.  The dramatic British over-voice, the beautiful women, and the bright packaged colors of the product are all very similar within every commercial.  Their brand identity is set.  But what about trying to differentiate the mascaras?  That has yet to be a solidified factor they focus on, and that is the big problem.

It's clear that the objective of these commercials is to visually appeal to the main target (WOMEN), that choosing to use the mascara will make your lashes more voluminous, longer, healthier, yadda yadda.

Even though I am an active consumer of their mascara products, it would be great if they could find a more effective approach is distinguishing the mascaras from each other with their "different" commercial ad campaigns   I did not realize that the "new" Cat Eyes mascara was literally a new commercial until the 6th time I saw it.

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