Sunday, December 9, 2012


Dear fellow Diva,

Put down your salad, let's not try to pretend that every once in a while you crave some good, greasy, deep-fried food now and then.  Whenever I think about indulging in regrettable cheesy-tots, I automatically think about Sonic.

Sonic's commercial style is nothing less than sarcastic, raw-humor, mixed with a documentary-esque feel.  Every commercial is basically the same idea:  2 people sitting in a car at the drive-through making punny and sarcastic remarks about the food they are eating.  The only things that change in each commercial are the different menu items being critiqued, but the humor remains the same.  Sonic relies on the use of a story-line commercial execution.  Using the same "characters" in most of the commercials, but still incorporating that raw 

The raw enthusiasm and conversation-like tone of the commercials makes me want to hop in the passenger seat and join in on the good memories being created with the box of Jumbo Popcorn Chicken.  Pure bliss is what is being shown in this comical commercials.  

The objective Sonic is showing in these creative commercials is that Sonic is easy to enjoy and conveniently available for whomever needs some comfort food.

I always enjoy watching this effortlessly created masterpiece - it makes me stop calorie counting for 31 seconds, and makes me mapquest the nearest Sonic.


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