Monday, December 10, 2012

Study Abroad, Lugano, Switzerland PART 1

I had the most fortunate opportunity to visit Lugano, Switzerland for a study abroad program through the marketing department at Virginia Tech.  This 4 month long journey was by far the most rewarding, influential, eye-opening, cultural-shocking experience of my life.  Not only did I get to travel to 11 countries, I was able to enjoy it with 44 of the most amazing people I have had the privilege of meeting.  Through this 18 credit academic study abroad program, I learned more than just my classes (consumer behavior, marketing research, etc.). The ability to be placed in a foreign country with minimal “hold-handing” by our supervisors was the best way to explore this wonderful place.  We were required to travel every weekend and were also given three 10-day breaks.  It was up to us to figure out where we were going, how we were getting there, and what we would do once we got to the end location.  Whether it is eating paella in Spain, learning about spices in Morocco, photographing the hills of Tuscany, or cheering on the rugby team in Dublin, I will forever cherish my experience abroad.  

However, this post is not solely meant for me ranting and raving about my travels and cultural experiences.  This post is about the inadequate advertising used to promote this wonderful, life-changing experience. 

The first time I EVER heard of this particular study abroad was through word of mouth.  One of my Divalicious friends went on this trip a year before me, and I read all of her blogs and immediately became addicted.  Aside from the massive Study Abroad information fair, and the few emails Pamplin (the name of the business college at Virginia Tech) technically has sent out a here and there (but let's be real - nobody reads emails from Pamplin), the lack of advertising of this amazing experience is lacking.

From my studies thus far in Advertising, I think the Lugano study abroad needs to differentiate themselves from the rest of the study abroad programs.  And Lugano has so much more to offer!
1. "study" abroad... right... right.
2. Three 10 day breaks to travel wherever you want in Europe (or africa!)
3. Classmates and peers that you are familiar with, taking classes all together in ENGLISH (not italian, because all you really to know is "ciao" "grazie" and "pizza")
4. Lots of attractive men (and women... if you swing that way)
5. Lots of FOOD
7. Bier
8.  message me for more perks because I could literally list them for days

GUERRILLA MARKETING. That's what this program needs to really launch itself, redefine the meaning study abroad, and position itself as the premier travel experience out of them all.

To find out more about how this study abroad can grow, find out more, coming soon!


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