Sunday, December 2, 2012

My personal brand: Gina Grimes

Dear Fellow Diva,

For my Marketing Communications class, our semester long project was focused around creating and launching our personal brand. What is a personal brand?  It's putting yourself in the limelight, highlighting your career objectives and goals, and distinguishing yourself from the rest of the crowd.  I was fortunate enough to create my personal brand and will be launching it through social media sites very soon.

Good. Great. Golden.
I believe that all of my attributes set me apart from the crowd: I create my own path for success.
My name is Gina Grimes and I am majoring in Marketing Management at Virginia Tech. Originally from Richmond, Virginia, I am so thankful to be part of the Virginia Tech, Blacksburg community filled with great professors and loving friends; a place I can call my second home. Finishing up my senior year of Virginia Tech, I have experienced many rewarding moments throughout this four year journey.
I have been fortunate enough to already experience the wonders of the world through travel, jobs, and community involvement.  My eagerness to learn is what fuels my passion for life.  Working in many different job environments has molded my skills and personal characteristics into the confident, persevering woman I am today.
My numerous classes, influential peers, genuinely committed professors, and countless hours of hard work have also been influential.  Being a marketing major student has opened many doors so far in my academic life.  My constant hard work, in and out of school, will take me places. My experiences have shown me not only what I am good at, but where I want to go with my skills and capabilities I have cumulated over the years.  This personal blog is here to show you what I am made of, where I have been, and where I plan to go. I am Good. Great. Golden.
“Nothing is impossible.  The word itself says ‘I’m Possible”"
-Audrey Hepburn
Career Focus: Advertising, consulting, sales

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