Wednesday, December 5, 2012

J'adore Dior

Dear Fellow Diva,

This is one the sexiest, most eye-catching, stunning, dramatic, glamorous commercial streaming currently on TV.  When Charlize Theron is your spokeswomen, there is no room for nothing less that glam, fab, and fame.

The entire commercial is focused around Charlize getting ready and pampered to walk down the runway in the most gorgeous gown and jewelry.  Hard life Charlize... Anyway, the aesthetics, background music, and dramatization of the commercial fits perfectly with Dior's entire haute-couture fashion line.

Through this commercial, Dior uses beautiful women (Marilyn Monroe and Charlize Theron) to establish the beauty of their perfume.  Dior wants women to be envious, yearning to look, feel, and smell like these women.  But as we all know, a good make-up artist, some tight spanks, and enough caffeine can get you to that same runway Char is walking down.

Rich bitches... just kidding... but really though.

Using Charlize as the poster-woman was a great move by Dior. You go Dior!  Not only does Char radiate natural beauty, she isn't too threatening to think that it is impossible to achieve such beauty.  Charlize also does a good job at not using blow, going to jail, or catfighting at the bar (cough, L. Lohan, cough).  Charlize speaks to other woman in the world and is a quality role model.  Because of this, Dior is targeting women who want to feel just as fabulous as Char seems to be feeling was she struts her perfectly sculpted body down the runway.

Remember that one song by Shania Twain (her only song..) "Man, I feel like a woman."?  Well, that's the idea happening here.  Feel like a woman in the most glamours way. (because putting on perfume will obviously make that happen instantly)

Single Minded Proposition:
"You, too, can smell like Marilyn Monroe and Charlize Theron. Dior."

It is outlandish to think that just using this perfume will automatically make you a diva over-night (it takes at least a week...). But it is nice to think that Dior is making this idea of being glamorous and fabulous just by the use of this perfume.  I can dig it.


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