I had the most fortunate opportunity to visit Lugano, Switzerland for a study abroad program through the marketing department at Virginia Tech. This 4 month long journey was by far the most rewarding, influential, eye-opening, cultural-shocking experience of my life. Not only did I get to travel to 11 countries, I was able to enjoy it with 44 of the most amazing people I have had the privilege of meeting. Through this 18 credit academic study abroad program, I learned more than just my classes (consumer behavior, marketing research, etc.). The ability to be placed in a foreign country with minimal “hold-handing” by our supervisors was the best way to explore this wonderful place. We were required to travel every weekend and were also given three 10-day breaks. It was up to us to figure out where we were going, how we were getting there, and what we would do once we got to the end location. Whether it is eating paella in Spain, learning about spices in Morocco, photographing the hills of Tuscany, or cheering on the rugby team in Dublin, I will forever cherish my experience abroad.
However, this post is not solely meant for me ranting and raving about my travels and cultural experiences. This post is about the inadequate advertising used to promote this wonderful, life-changing experience.
The first time I EVER heard of this particular study abroad was through word of mouth. One of my Divalicious friends went on this trip a year before me, and I read all of her blogs and immediately became addicted. Aside from the massive Study Abroad information fair, and the few emails Pamplin (the name of the business college at Virginia Tech) technically has sent out a here and there (but let's be real - nobody reads emails from Pamplin), the lack of advertising of this amazing experience is lacking.
From my studies thus far in Advertising, I think the Lugano study abroad needs to differentiate themselves from the rest of the study abroad programs. And Lugano has so much more to offer!
1. "study" abroad... right... right.
2. Three 10 day breaks to travel wherever you want in Europe (or africa!)
3. Classmates and peers that you are familiar with, taking classes all together in ENGLISH (not italian, because all you really to know is "ciao" "grazie" and "pizza")
4. Lots of attractive men (and women... if you swing that way)
5. Lots of FOOD
7. Bier
8. message me for more perks because I could literally list them for days
GUERRILLA MARKETING. That's what this program needs to really launch itself, redefine the meaning study abroad, and position itself as the premier travel experience out of them all.
To find out more about how this study abroad can grow, find out more, coming soon!
Dramatic Interpretations of Various Advertisements
Monday, December 10, 2012
University Directories
This summer, I was fortunate to finally get an internship, because as we all know, you will never, EVER, be employed without some sort of internship.
Being the marketing major I am, I decided to try out this thing called sales. Sales is not for everyone, however with the attitude and sass I have, I thought it would be a perfect fit for me. Naturally I think what I have to say, my opinions, and just everything in general should be seen and heard. I have a knack at persuasion and getting what I want. Some people may call this aggressive, but I think it's just being a Rockstar 24/7.
This 12 week intensive cold-call sales position truly tested my capabilities. Luckily, the week-long training in Chapel Hill, NC, prior to the start of the internship proved to be very useful. We learned the entire structure of a sales call, from introduction to close. Not only did I learn the sales call, but I learned the importance of each part of the sales call: why the first couple seconds is critical for gaining prospects, how to build rapport and a relationship, creating value in the product you are selling, and finally closing the sale with a confirmed agreement.
Being the marketing major I am, I decided to try out this thing called sales. Sales is not for everyone, however with the attitude and sass I have, I thought it would be a perfect fit for me. Naturally I think what I have to say, my opinions, and just everything in general should be seen and heard. I have a knack at persuasion and getting what I want. Some people may call this aggressive, but I think it's just being a Rockstar 24/7.
I was stationed in Blacksburg with two other sales reps – within Blacksburg, we created territories that were specific to each rep. We were essentially selling advertising space in the back of the student planner for Virginia Tech. Advertising spots came in different shapes and sizes, and depending on how much exposure the particular company wanted, different prices were allotted.
My first couple weeks in the field were very difficult. Being in Blacksburg, I had this predisposed perception that everyone was friendly and wanted to talk to me. False. Some of these owners in these mom-and-pop shops were brutal. It's like, GIVE ME A BREAK. I am a college student, not a pterodactyl trying to come in your shop and wreck havoc!
However, once some hurdles were jumped (others humiliatingly shambled...) it was a cool learning experience once I got in the aspect of helping the business design their ads that would be run in the student planner. Working side by side with the owners, having their trust, and making big decisions that would eventually be 100% representing of their company was a awesome.
However, once some hurdles were jumped (others humiliatingly shambled...) it was a cool learning experience once I got in the aspect of helping the business design their ads that would be run in the student planner. Working side by side with the owners, having their trust, and making big decisions that would eventually be 100% representing of their company was a awesome.
And that's my little two-cents of my first sales position.
I was born this way.
The trendy Meme
Meme (n) :
An Internet meme may take the form of an image, hyperlink, video, picture, website, or hashtag. It may be just a word or phrase, including intentionally misspelling the word “more” as “moar” or “the” as “teh.” These small movements tend to spread from person to person via social networks, blogs, direct email, or news sources. They may relate to various existing Internet cultures or subcultures, often based on sites like 4chan, tumblr, and numerous others. Don't forget PINTEREST :) post coming soon about this addicting drug.
An Internet meme may take the form of an image, hyperlink, video, picture, website, or hashtag. It may be just a word or phrase, including intentionally misspelling the word “more” as “moar” or “the” as “teh.” These small movements tend to spread from person to person via social networks, blogs, direct email, or news sources. They may relate to various existing Internet cultures or subcultures, often based on sites like 4chan, tumblr, and numerous others. Don't forget PINTEREST :) post coming soon about this addicting drug.
Public relations, advertising, and marketing professionals have embraced Internet memes as a form of viral marketing and guerrilla marketing to create marketing "buzz" for their product or service. The practice of using memes to market products or services is known as memetic marketing. Internet memes are seen as cost-effective, and because they are a (sometimes self-conscious) fad, they are therefore used as a way to create an image of awareness or trendiness.
Thank you Wikipedia for that insightful definition.
Basically, these "memes" are trending so much lately, I don't think I can go without seeing at least 15 a day. But I'm not complaining. These sarcastic sayings and words ironically depicting the picture that they are representing literally leave me LOLing at times
Some of the most widely recognized memes are
Basically, these "memes" are trending so much lately, I don't think I can go without seeing at least 15 a day. But I'm not complaining. These sarcastic sayings and words ironically depicting the picture that they are representing literally leave me LOLing at times
Some of the most widely recognized memes are
- Grumpy Cat
- Rediculously photogenic man
- Anything with Ryan Gosling
- Willy Wonka's Sarcasm
- LOL Catz
- Kristen Stewart's emotions
The list goes on.
But as previously mentioned, this viral form of media has served other purposes in the marketing and advertising world. Meme's are not seen as threatening, they are meant to be visually enjoyed without any complicated messages thrown in the mix. That is why advertisers subtly are starting to use and promote the use of memes.
But as previously mentioned, this viral form of media has served other purposes in the marketing and advertising world. Meme's are not seen as threatening, they are meant to be visually enjoyed without any complicated messages thrown in the mix. That is why advertisers subtly are starting to use and promote the use of memes.
Grumpy Cat: A cat with an unfortunate face that looks as if the cat is constantly grumpy. The memes focus around the cat's face expression with words and descriptions that are pessimistic to the extreme. HILARIOUS. Recently, the owners of this adorable cat was on the Today Show. The family is currently promoting more and more campaigns for Grumpy Cat and have even set up its own website, apparel, and other promotional tools. This all happened because of the use of social media and the viral MEME!
Now, if only I can get my face to become a Meme. What do you think the captions would be?
Now, if only I can get my face to become a Meme. What do you think the captions would be?
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Dear fellow Diva,
Put down your salad, let's not try to pretend that every once in a while you crave some good, greasy, deep-fried food now and then. Whenever I think about indulging in regrettable cheesy-tots, I automatically think about Sonic.
Sonic's commercial style is nothing less than sarcastic, raw-humor, mixed with a documentary-esque feel. Every commercial is basically the same idea: 2 people sitting in a car at the drive-through making punny and sarcastic remarks about the food they are eating. The only things that change in each commercial are the different menu items being critiqued, but the humor remains the same. Sonic relies on the use of a story-line commercial execution. Using the same "characters" in most of the commercials, but still incorporating that raw
The raw enthusiasm and conversation-like tone of the commercials makes me want to hop in the passenger seat and join in on the good memories being created with the box of Jumbo Popcorn Chicken. Pure bliss is what is being shown in this comical commercials.
The objective Sonic is showing in these creative commercials is that Sonic is easy to enjoy and conveniently available for whomever needs some comfort food.
I always enjoy watching this effortlessly created masterpiece - it makes me stop calorie counting for 31 seconds, and makes me mapquest the nearest Sonic.
Dear Fellow Diva,
I really hope none of you have fallen captive to the "Belieber" trend that's unfortunately occurring. JBiebs, the "pop sensation" infiltrated the minds of the youth... adults... and elderly. Why does this barely-legal boy think he can seduce his way through the use of perfume?! Just stop.
So you may or may not have heard of thesong called "Boyfriend". Well, it so happens that a new perfume (yes, perfume) from JBiebs has bust been launched, "Girlfriend". Not only is this such a clever name to compliment song title to perfume name, he even made sure the commercial execution is just as provoking.
The camera angles and shooting is meant for the viewer to feel like they are the "girlfriend" during this torturous 1 minute long commercial. Way to go JB, you're sneaky ways to farther manipulated the minds of girls everywhere is commendable.
After watching the first 10 seconds of this, I can't help but to think, "thank God I'm NOT JBiebs girlfriend". Once you hit puberty, we'll talk.
However, as biased as I am, this commercial is meant for the targeted crowd, "Beliebers".
Belieber (n) :
The word "Belieber" refers to a fanatical devotee of the Canadian pop singer Justin Bieber. Use of the term predates 2010, and the existence of the community dates back to Bieber's early YouTube videos.
So, I applaud the efforts and most likely successful campaign at grabbing the attention of the Beliebers out there. It is a clever way to use emotional pull on the heartstrings of every adolescent girl out there. However, if placed on a perceptual map, this "Girlfriend perfume" would fall short of glamorous.
I really hope none of you have fallen captive to the "Belieber" trend that's unfortunately occurring. JBiebs, the "pop sensation" infiltrated the minds of the youth... adults... and elderly. Why does this barely-legal boy think he can seduce his way through the use of perfume?! Just stop.
So you may or may not have heard of thesong called "Boyfriend". Well, it so happens that a new perfume (yes, perfume) from JBiebs has bust been launched, "Girlfriend". Not only is this such a clever name to compliment song title to perfume name, he even made sure the commercial execution is just as provoking.
The camera angles and shooting is meant for the viewer to feel like they are the "girlfriend" during this torturous 1 minute long commercial. Way to go JB, you're sneaky ways to farther manipulated the minds of girls everywhere is commendable.
After watching the first 10 seconds of this, I can't help but to think, "thank God I'm NOT JBiebs girlfriend". Once you hit puberty, we'll talk.
However, as biased as I am, this commercial is meant for the targeted crowd, "Beliebers".
Belieber (n) :
The word "Belieber" refers to a fanatical devotee of the Canadian pop singer Justin Bieber. Use of the term predates 2010, and the existence of the community dates back to Bieber's early YouTube videos.
So, I applaud the efforts and most likely successful campaign at grabbing the attention of the Beliebers out there. It is a clever way to use emotional pull on the heartstrings of every adolescent girl out there. However, if placed on a perceptual map, this "Girlfriend perfume" would fall short of glamorous.
Dear Fellow Diva,
MISSION STATEMENT : The NOH8 Campaign is a charitable organization whose mission is to promote marriage, gender and human equality through education, advocacy, social media, and visual protest.
This campaign is very eye-catching - and for a good reason. I truly respect the idea behind this campaign solely because it is not as aggressive in regards to other gay-right movements. And as every diva knows, you ain't a diva unless 5 of your 6 closest friends are all your gay "besties".
The execution behind these print ads are very simple: Photos feature subjects with duct tape over their mouths, symbolizing their voices being silenced by Prop 8 and similar legislation around the world, with "NOH8" painted on one cheek in protest. The campaign began with portraits of everyday Californians from all walks of life and soon rose to include politicians, military personnel, newlyweds, law enforcement, artists, celebrities, and many more.
The big idea here is plain and simple: Spread the love, y'all. Ain't nobody got time for hate.
Uniqlo Creative
Objective: Flaunt UNIQLO as a higher quality alternative with more options to complete the perfect outfit
SMP: Express yourself with the missing piece of the puzzle (Wear your heart on your sleeve)
Our Big Ideas:
1. Foundation for a better 'fit
Through our research we've noticed that UNIQLO primarily sells basic clothing styles - when put together, it creates a unique outfit (or 'fit). The wide variety of clothing that UNIQLO offers is the starting point for their stylish ambitions. Focuses on options, starting an outfit, evolving from simple styles to something greater. Executions are:
Evolution starts here (included in ppt): Simply enough, styles are created by you at UNIQLO. We've come so far already, you get to choose where we go from here. Media agnostic - could be used as print ad, online banner, bus/subway/street art
Facebook application: We're creating a facebook app which allows shoppers to use a virtual mannequin to piece together their perfect outfit. We're using a "clothes pyramid" (like the food pyramid) which will help shoppers customize their outfit with shoes & accessories along with the "foundations": pants, shirts, etc.
2. Be YOUnique
This idea promotes individuality in fashion. An outfit is the ultimate form of expression - we are what we wear. Plus, it's not always what you wear. It's how you wear your clothes. This idea focuses on: "wearing your heart on your sleeve", freedom of expression, the consumer's right to build their own style & wardrobe. Executions are:
Personality in the absolute (included in ppt): Taken from UNIQLO's phrase "clothing in the absolute" - an abstract take on individuality. "In the absolute" means perfect in quality or nature, completeness. UNIQLO has everything you need to complete the puzzle. We envision the UNIQLO shopper as the lone oreo among a bowl of chocolate chip cookies - the one who stands out in a crowd because their style is not limited by restrictions or exceptions. (another definition)
The perfect mismatch (included in ppt): Your clothing is who you are - not everything has to match & nothing has to be "right" by anyone else's standards. UNIQLO provides all the options you need to express your innermost thoughts & feelings. Media agnostic - could be print, online, street art, etc.
We've got the pieces, you put it together: An execution expressing the consumer's freedom to be their own stylist. Print ad.
Our Big Ideas:
1. Foundation for a better 'fit
Through our research we've noticed that UNIQLO primarily sells basic clothing styles - when put together, it creates a unique outfit (or 'fit). The wide variety of clothing that UNIQLO offers is the starting point for their stylish ambitions. Focuses on options, starting an outfit, evolving from simple styles to something greater. Executions are:
Evolution starts here (included in ppt): Simply enough, styles are created by you at UNIQLO. We've come so far already, you get to choose where we go from here. Media agnostic - could be used as print ad, online banner, bus/subway/street art
Facebook application: We're creating a facebook app which allows shoppers to use a virtual mannequin to piece together their perfect outfit. We're using a "clothes pyramid" (like the food pyramid) which will help shoppers customize their outfit with shoes & accessories along with the "foundations": pants, shirts, etc.
2. Be YOUnique
This idea promotes individuality in fashion. An outfit is the ultimate form of expression - we are what we wear. Plus, it's not always what you wear. It's how you wear your clothes. This idea focuses on: "wearing your heart on your sleeve", freedom of expression, the consumer's right to build their own style & wardrobe. Executions are:
Personality in the absolute (included in ppt): Taken from UNIQLO's phrase "clothing in the absolute" - an abstract take on individuality. "In the absolute" means perfect in quality or nature, completeness. UNIQLO has everything you need to complete the puzzle. We envision the UNIQLO shopper as the lone oreo among a bowl of chocolate chip cookies - the one who stands out in a crowd because their style is not limited by restrictions or exceptions. (another definition)
The perfect mismatch (included in ppt): Your clothing is who you are - not everything has to match & nothing has to be "right" by anyone else's standards. UNIQLO provides all the options you need to express your innermost thoughts & feelings. Media agnostic - could be print, online, street art, etc.
We've got the pieces, you put it together: An execution expressing the consumer's freedom to be their own stylist. Print ad.
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