The Kardashians are a controversial topic in itself, but being a biased Diva that I am, I stand behind these Armenian queens and their business endeavors. The post will be dedicated to all things Kardashian: from public views (of loyal fans) and the brand they have created and continued to grow since its development.
To keep it clear, I have always been a fan of the Kardashian since the beginning of the first episode of the first series of KUWTK (Keeping up with the Kardashians). That being said, it has been hard for me to divert my attention away from this addicting chaotic family that has sass, class, and so much attitude.
Because of so much attention the Kardashians have had in the recent couple years, I do not feel the need to go into too much depth of their history and who they are exactly. I am just hear to gravel at the success the three sisters - Kim, Kourtney, and Kloe - have given to their name, enabling them to launch their career in the fashion industry. Introducing, the Kardashian Kollection:
The only problem with the clothing line could potentially be the lack of options. They do have a full line, featuring pants, shirts, dresses, shoes, and accessories - but only minimal options to choose from in each category. But lets be real - the Kardashians are perfect and they get it right the first time - the pieces they do offer are fierce. Get over it.
The advertising objective that is constantly being portrayed here is the clothing line is for all shapes, sizes, and levels of Diva-ness. Because of the sisters are psychically different and have their own personal styles, they make sure to promote that idea through the advertising commercials and other campaigns.
The insight of the the Kollection of the the Kardashian Klan as a brand is simple: I want to look sexy with the body I have, but sometimes I cannot afford the expensive clothing lines at Nordstrom. I want to look like a Diva, but I am on a budget." And that is exactly what the Kardashian Kollection is trying to help aspiring Divas - to channel their inner fabulocity by wearing affordable, sexy clothes.
The SMP (single minded proposition) after looking more in depth with what these girls have to offer is "Everyone can be a Kardashian".
I love these girls, especially their sense of style. Their Kollection screams "Diva"! And that is why they earned a spot on this weeks Dramatic Interpretations of Various Advertisements.
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