Sunday, October 7, 2012

Ellen and Sofia take CoverGirl

Makeup is a girl's best friend, and CoverGirl NAILED it with this ad campaign for the new foundation.  I, myself, am a CoverGirl cosmetic user - the main reason why is because of their use of females who represent their products.   Covergirl advertises their cosmetics line by allowing "cover girls", fashion models who appear on the front cover of women's magazines, to wear its products. CoverGirl makes up for lack of direct individual customer service by providing a wide variety of cosmetics available at reasonable prices.  Many successful models have represented CoverGirl Cosmetics, including Tyra BanksBrandyMolly SimsFaith HillQueen LatifahRihannaKeri RussellTaylor Swift, Carrie Tivador, Dania Ramirez, and Drew Barrymore.

The newest member to this Diva cosmetic brand is my girl, Sophia Vergara.  What an excellent representation CoverGirl chose - Sophia exudes femininity, humor, and Latina power.  I love the idea of contrasting Ellen DeGeneras with Sophia Vergara - double the Diva, double the cash flow CoverGirl with get after this duo on this commercial

With further analysis of this commercial, there are potential questions that non-CoverGirl cosmetic users may have:

What is the problem?
Well one obvious being the fact that CoverGirl is opening and knowingly using Ellen as one of there spokespersons.  It should not be a mystery by now, but Ellen is in fact a lesbian - more power to her!  Recently, it has been a growing trend for companies and business to voice their opinion  on gay rights - CoverGirl has decided to follow this trend and are praising Ellen to the point of making her a spokeswoman for their cosmetic line.  I personally think this is an awesome move by CoverGirl, but I understand that CoverGirl has potentially displeased and turned off some purchasers by this decision.  Whatever, they didn't want you to wear their makeup anyway!

Moving on...

What is the advertising objective in this commercial?
Obviously the advertising objective is to get women to purchase their new product, but because of this new twist of incorporating two dominant celebrity figures, both who represent a huge demographic portion of the US - there is a new objective.  This is one of the first times Covergirl has used two celebrities in the same commercial.  Ellen has been a veteran rep for Covergirl for the past couple years - she does a good job at identifying with the older crowd (I use the term "older" lightly).  Sophia represents more of the ethnic, hispanic demographics - and this was a very good, strategic move by CoverGirl since Sophia is already well known and liked Nation-wide because of her role in Modern Family, she also targets the Hispanic demographics too!  Way to go CoverGirl
CoverGirl is known for being the makeup that's for every girl: whether you're old, young, or any ethnicity.  CoverGirl is here to please every Diva - no matter where she comes from or what she looks like.

Who is the target? What is the Insight?
See above response.

Single Minded Proposition?
CoverGirl is for every Diva, no matter what you look like, where you are from, or who you are.

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