What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear "Burt's Bees"? My first thoughts go straight to their awesome chap-stick line. But apparently this awesome, "Earth friendly, Natural Personal Care Company" also creates products for personal care, health, beauty, and personal hygiene. With that said, Burt's Bees offers over 197 products for facial, body, lip, hair and other necessities So you're saying that I can rub bee's wax over other parts of my body besides my lips?! This is good news.
What frustrates and confuses me the most is that this 25 year old company has such an extended line into other health realms, and I was not necessarily fully aware of it! When I think back to my numerous budget-friendly trips to Target, I do recall seeing other products besides the lip balms, but how can they make me think of their product line beyond the Budget-Diva's lipgloss?
Our generation is obsessed with everything natural - that "home-remedy", feel-good, minimal-processing idea that will magically diminish your every flaw. "But it's 100% natural, so it MUST be good for you!" So Burt's Bees is doing an excellent job at honing in on this "all-natural" idea that appeals to so many of us Divas.
Sometimes nature gets the best of your health. I feel like this is exactly the insight Burt's Bees uses to guide their products and inspire their consumers to purchase their natural, pure products.
"The best way. The natural way." Burt's Bees is a great company in promoting a healthy, sustaining, natural personal care line. Now... if only prices weren't too freakin' expensive!