Monday, September 10, 2012

Victoria’s Secret: They are hungry Divas!

Dear fellow Diva,

Now – I have always been a fan of Victoria’s Secret and their wonderfully manufactured lingerie and PINK clothing line.  But lately, I have to complain about one OBVI reason – These girls need to EAT.

I do not necessarily think that the producers and company as a whole have an evil plot to turn all tweens, teens, and twenties into anorexic models, but that’s the path they could potentially be looking at.  Over the past couple years, I have noticed that the “angels” continuously get smaller and smaller year by year.  I do not necessarily think it is okay for these models’ waists to be the size of my left thigh.  I am all for being fit and healthy, but there is a BIG difference between being fit… and being unhealthily thin.  Unfortunately I feel that Victoria’s Secret is flirting with a “thin” line with just that.  Is it ethically correct to be using ridiculously thin models in their ad campaign, potentially poisoning the minds of young adults into making them think that it is the acceptable size to be?  Some of the models are, I guess you would say “normal”, but then the rest are definitely about to hit skeleton status.  A Diva’s gotta eat!  What ever happened to the good ole days of VS with my main Diva Tyra Banks and Heidi Klum.  These Divas at least had the curves to fill out the lingerie.  I am tired of seeing stick-thin angels trying to create an optical illusion of having boobs – we all know that Victoria’s REAL Secret is that they are just hungry Divas tryna eat a burger!  So as I close, I ask VS to please, PLEASE think about what models you continue to hire and cast – I realize that America has a fat epidemic occurring right now, but manipulating young minds by showing extremely skinny b*tches is not the cure.  So my word of advice for VS:

Put these girls on a Krispy Kreme Donut diet, asap!



1 comment:

  1. Loving the voice you have going. Keep it up! Great start
