Sunday, September 23, 2012

Is that Milk Chocolate, too?

Dear fellow Diva,

If there is one thing a Diva loves more than hearing her own name, it’s hearing the word “chocolate”.  And what better comes to mind than the humorous new commercial of M&M’s “One Track Mind” featuring Ms. Brown (the M&M character).  M&M generally always has some quality commercials featuring the M&M clan and all their glory – but this commercial has been one of my faves recently.  If you haven’t seen this commercial yet, stop reading now and watch it here! This commercial is clearly tugging at the romance and sexual-attraction strings of all women with the obvious appearance of the Latin heartthrob, William Levy.  Not only is M&M trying to bring a new, fierce positioning of its brand with this fine male-human being, but they are incorporating humor to make M&M’s brand more lighthearted. I appreciated their clever advertising strategy in this particular commercial because now I really want some M&Ms… and Mr. Levy.  I give this chocolate-delight  commercial a B+; I would score higher if I was the one in the commercial instead of Ms. Brown.

This is just one commercial of many, MANY chocolaty visual appealing commercials that M&M has.  They have done a phenomenal job at creating a personality and characters to their brand – this strategy not only attracts audiences, but it makes them waiting for new commercials to come out.  I can’t wait to see what’s next… Bradley Cooper, anyone?


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