Sunday, September 23, 2012

Kim Kardashian vs. Old Navy

Dear fellow Diva

One Diva I love to love VS. one clothing line I love to hate recently settled a major dispute.  Kim Kardashian sued Old Navy last July for MILLIONS, claiming they intentionally used a look-alike in an effort to dupe the public into thinking Kim was affiliated with the brand. FIRST OF ALL, I would like everyone to know that Kim would never agree to be the face of a non-sassy, safe, boring, mom-jean-wearing clothing line.  Diva’s just don’t do that.

What the case did bring was a lot of personal drama.  After the lawsuit was filed, attorneys for Old Navy were aggressive in the discovery phase, launching an investigation to see whether Kim's reputation has been tarnished.  Well, it’s safe to say that Kim was worried enough to bring on the lawsuit because she does not want to be affiliated with Old Navy because her glossy, flossy ways WOULD be tarnished – Kim doesn’t wear mom jeans, please.

If any of you Divas don’t know by now, Kimmy is my girl.  I know there are a lot of “haters” and “love to hate” types out there in regards Kim, but she’s got a point!  What Old Navy was doing was unethical and just plain RUDE.  I have to back up Kim – is it right for Old Navy to purposefully steal an identity as prominent as Kim Kardashian and not even have to pay a dime for such deceiving endorsement?

Finally, Kim's lawsuit was dismissed late August. Apparently, Old Navy agreed to pay Kim an undisclosed sum based on her look-alike claims. Kim-1 Old Navy-0. You go KIM!


Is that Milk Chocolate, too?

Dear fellow Diva,

If there is one thing a Diva loves more than hearing her own name, it’s hearing the word “chocolate”.  And what better comes to mind than the humorous new commercial of M&M’s “One Track Mind” featuring Ms. Brown (the M&M character).  M&M generally always has some quality commercials featuring the M&M clan and all their glory – but this commercial has been one of my faves recently.  If you haven’t seen this commercial yet, stop reading now and watch it here! This commercial is clearly tugging at the romance and sexual-attraction strings of all women with the obvious appearance of the Latin heartthrob, William Levy.  Not only is M&M trying to bring a new, fierce positioning of its brand with this fine male-human being, but they are incorporating humor to make M&M’s brand more lighthearted. I appreciated their clever advertising strategy in this particular commercial because now I really want some M&Ms… and Mr. Levy.  I give this chocolate-delight  commercial a B+; I would score higher if I was the one in the commercial instead of Ms. Brown.

This is just one commercial of many, MANY chocolaty visual appealing commercials that M&M has.  They have done a phenomenal job at creating a personality and characters to their brand – this strategy not only attracts audiences, but it makes them waiting for new commercials to come out.  I can’t wait to see what’s next… Bradley Cooper, anyone?


Monday, September 10, 2012

Victoria’s Secret: They are hungry Divas!

Dear fellow Diva,

Now – I have always been a fan of Victoria’s Secret and their wonderfully manufactured lingerie and PINK clothing line.  But lately, I have to complain about one OBVI reason – These girls need to EAT.

I do not necessarily think that the producers and company as a whole have an evil plot to turn all tweens, teens, and twenties into anorexic models, but that’s the path they could potentially be looking at.  Over the past couple years, I have noticed that the “angels” continuously get smaller and smaller year by year.  I do not necessarily think it is okay for these models’ waists to be the size of my left thigh.  I am all for being fit and healthy, but there is a BIG difference between being fit… and being unhealthily thin.  Unfortunately I feel that Victoria’s Secret is flirting with a “thin” line with just that.  Is it ethically correct to be using ridiculously thin models in their ad campaign, potentially poisoning the minds of young adults into making them think that it is the acceptable size to be?  Some of the models are, I guess you would say “normal”, but then the rest are definitely about to hit skeleton status.  A Diva’s gotta eat!  What ever happened to the good ole days of VS with my main Diva Tyra Banks and Heidi Klum.  These Divas at least had the curves to fill out the lingerie.  I am tired of seeing stick-thin angels trying to create an optical illusion of having boobs – we all know that Victoria’s REAL Secret is that they are just hungry Divas tryna eat a burger!  So as I close, I ask VS to please, PLEASE think about what models you continue to hire and cast – I realize that America has a fat epidemic occurring right now, but manipulating young minds by showing extremely skinny b*tches is not the cure.  So my word of advice for VS:

Put these girls on a Krispy Kreme Donut diet, asap!



Wednesday, September 5, 2012

AD2 Roanoke

AD2 Roanoke is an affiliate of AAF (AAF Roanoke). This non-profit organization caught my eye for 2 reasons:
1. They have a very interactive site (
2. Most of these young professionals are 32 and younger – prime Diva age.

Current consumer perceptions (i.e. ME) and Strategic Issues of the Company 
From what I gathered through their tweets and Facebook posts accompanied by their fab website design – they know how to have a good time. They are even going AD2bing (tubing down the river) in the next couple weeks!  Throw on some Ray Bans and this Diva may consider crashing this tubing event.  Now, my research goes just as far as that, and if you can impress strictly through social media, you’re good with me!  The tweets are “punny” and I am all for a quality tweet-read. 

Now for the nitty-gritty, “so, what do they do?” question.  Unfortunately, I had to maneuver around the internet a bit more to figure out their main goal for the company - ain't nobody got time for that!  Since being an affiliate of AAF Roanoke, I am going to take a wild guess that they basically have the same intentions – “…devoted entirely to the business of advertising…come together to represent a diversity of companies from our community”.  To me, it is to the point but at the same time quite vague – but that may be my Diva stubbornness getting in the way.  Monica Jones, President of AD2 Roanoke, will be speaking in my class tomorrow – I fully plan on asking her simple questions just to get a better insight into this advertising company.

Questions for the honorary guest speaker (Monica Jones)
1. What is the mission of your company?
2. Is the tubing event open to the general public? (if yes, will drinks be provided?)
3. Is the real question, “What you know?” or “Who you know?” to get a foot in to a company?



Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Disney does Diva

Dear fellow Diva,

It all started with the notorious backwards “G” – you know what I am talking about. Disney has and forever will hold a special place in my glitter-coated heart for many reasons – one being because it was probably the first brand and advertisements I have ever seen that paved the way to my Diva ways.  When I hear “Disney Princess”, I automatically think someone is referring to myself, but then naturally revert back to those classy girls who can sing and dance, all the while keeping their hair perfect. Classic Disney Diva Princesses is what they really should be called. But before I divulge in some of the most diva-filled princesses – a look into why and how Disney became such an underground Diva brand.

Walter Elias “Walt” Disney –the man who started it all in 1937 with one of my fav Divas, Snow White. Not only did this Diva have to deal with seven men, she even had the queen of all the land envious. If this doesn’t show fabulousness of the OD (original Diva) then leave it to my friend Walt to come up with many more Disney Diva Princesses.  Walt knew that young girls would be part of his audience and it was necessary to create a line of Disney Princesses that will forever be the foundation of “How to be a Diva”… for 7 year olds. Every time I see the opening of a movie with that backwards “G” that is supposed to be a cursive “D” (believe me, this confused me for many, many years. And I still to this day see it as a “G”), I always revert back to my younger years of innocence. I grew up with Disney, and because of that, I will blame the Disney Diva Princesses on why I am the Diva I am today.

Cinderella was, and still is, the most fawned Divas of them all.  What better way to teach our soon-to-be-Divas that if you sing loud enough, you can have an army of mice to sew you a pretty new dress?! But in reality, this Diva proved that you are more beautiful, smart, and amazing than what you think, no matter how much people can bring you down.  All you need to do is find some glass slippers and you can have your own prince charming. Doesn’t seem too hard, right?

Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
This Diva has got to be one of my favorites for one and only one reason. You can sleep forever and still be beautiful.  But this is a lie, because I am pretty sure when I wake up in the morning I am no longer sleeping “beauty”… more like sleeping “troll”.  Aurora also taught me that all I need is to stay beautiful to win “true love’s kiss”.  Thank you fellow Diva.

Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Props to this Ginger Diva. Not only does she brush her hair with a fork, but wearing sea-shells as the only coverage for your bosom is completely acceptable! The only way to get my crush to love me is to change everything about my appearance and never talk or voice my opinions. Never. Again, the guidance from these Disney Divas truly paved my way to ultimate Diva status.

Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Belle is the beauty of the town with so many men pursing her.  Belle obviously shows to interest in all of these available men, because hey, why settle down when you are so gorgeous you can constantly have attention? Belle also taught me that it is okay to be smart and that I can read books all day long and still be pretty.  The biggest lesson of them all – you are allowed to fall in love with someone who isn’t as good looking as you are.  Classy, sensitive Diva.

Jasmine (Aladdin)
One of my favorite Divas. Jasmine was one of my biggest inspirations.  Clearly, only the coolest girls have hair that goes past their bottom and midriff showing at all times.  Did someone say kitty?  Ever since I saw that oversized cat (I know, it is a tiger), I have always wanted a pet kitty – like every Diva should have.  Jasmine told me that the only way I can be impressed with a boy is if he is a Prince and has a magic carpet. I’m sorry, that’s NOT a Persian rug? Next.

Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? No... but I can paint with all the colors in my Urban Decay eye shadow pallet.  Anyway, this ultimate Diva introduced my obsession with having to be tan and work out all the time.  Not only is her skin flawless (I know, it is a cartoon – a Diva can dream), but this Diva is running around the woods and climbing trees – talk about a good work out! Pocahontas took tanned and toned to a new level. Wingapo.

In the end, it is now so obvious why our generation has grown to be such classy, sassy divas.  We have been growing up with them our whole lives. Disney will forever be the gateway to my divaness.  And it all started with that backwards “G”.


NOTE: This post was highly sarcastic
