Dear fellow Diva,
It all started with the notorious backwards “G” – you know
what I am talking about. Disney has and forever will hold a special place in my
glitter-coated heart for many reasons – one being because it was probably the
first brand and advertisements I have ever seen that paved the way to my Diva
ways. When I hear “Disney Princess”, I
automatically think someone is referring to myself, but then naturally revert
back to those classy girls who can sing and dance, all the while keeping their
hair perfect. Classic Disney Diva Princesses is what they really should be
called. But before I divulge in some of the most diva-filled princesses – a look
into why and how Disney became such an underground Diva brand.
Walter Elias “Walt” Disney –the man who started it all in
1937 with one of my fav Divas, Snow White. Not only did this Diva have to deal
with seven men, she even had the queen of all the land envious. If this doesn’t
show fabulousness of the OD (original Diva) then leave it to my friend Walt to
come up with many more Disney Diva Princesses. Walt knew that young girls would be part of
his audience and it was necessary to create a line of Disney Princesses that
will forever be the foundation of “How to be a Diva”… for 7 year olds. Every time
I see the opening of a movie with that backwards “G” that is supposed to be a
cursive “D” (believe me, this confused me for many, many years. And I still to
this day see it as a “G”), I always revert back to my younger years of
innocence. I grew up with Disney, and because of that, I will blame the Disney
Diva Princesses on why I am the Diva I am today.
Cinderella was, and still is, the most fawned Divas of
them all. What better way to teach our
soon-to-be-Divas that if you sing loud enough, you can have an army of mice to
sew you a pretty new dress?! But in reality, this Diva proved that you are more
beautiful, smart, and amazing than what you think, no matter how much people
can bring you down. All you need to do
is find some glass slippers and you can have your own prince charming. Doesn’t seem
too hard, right?
Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
This Diva has got to be one of my favorites for one and
only one reason. You can sleep forever and still be beautiful. But this is a lie, because I am pretty sure
when I wake up in the morning I am no longer sleeping “beauty”… more like
sleeping “troll”. Aurora also taught me
that all I need is to stay beautiful to win “true love’s kiss”. Thank you fellow Diva.
Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Props to this Ginger Diva. Not only does she brush her
hair with a fork, but wearing sea-shells as the only coverage for your bosom is
completely acceptable! The only way to get my crush to love me is to change
everything about my appearance and never talk or voice my opinions. Never.
Again, the guidance from these Disney Divas truly paved my way to ultimate Diva
Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Belle is the beauty of the town with so many men pursing
her. Belle obviously shows to interest
in all of these available men, because hey, why settle down when you are so
gorgeous you can constantly have attention? Belle also taught me that it is
okay to be smart and that I can read books all day long and still be
pretty. The biggest lesson of them all –
you are allowed to fall in love with someone who isn’t as good looking as you
are. Classy, sensitive Diva.
Jasmine (Aladdin)
One of my favorite Divas. Jasmine was one of my biggest
inspirations. Clearly, only the coolest
girls have hair that goes past their bottom and midriff showing at all
times. Did someone say kitty? Ever since I saw that oversized cat (I know,
it is a tiger), I have always wanted a pet kitty – like every Diva should have.
Jasmine told me that the only way I can
be impressed with a boy is if he is a Prince and has a magic carpet. I’m sorry,
that’s NOT a Persian rug? Next.
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? No... but I
can paint with all the colors in my Urban Decay eye shadow pallet. Anyway, this ultimate Diva introduced my obsession
with having to be tan and work out all the time. Not only is her skin flawless (I know, it is
a cartoon – a Diva can dream), but this Diva is running around the woods and
climbing trees – talk about a good work out! Pocahontas took tanned and toned
to a new level. Wingapo.
In the end, it is now so obvious why our generation has
grown to be such classy, sassy divas. We
have been growing up with them our whole lives. Disney will forever be the
gateway to my divaness. And it all
started with that backwards “G”.
NOTE: This post was highly sarcastic